Gallery Jump to: The Site – The Team in Action Photo Credits: Jim Baltz, Scott Gable, and assorted SoyFACE faculty members The Site The Team in Action Scott McCoy and team setting up rain-out shelter experiments Scott McCoy and team installing minirhizotron tubes in the rain-out shelter Mary Durstock, Josh Bernstein, and Chris Montes installing soil moisture tubes Sohta Harigai and Sam Cheung hand planting MiniFACE Elise Aspray sledge-hammering in a soil respiration collar Chris Montes valiantly threshing soybean Seldon Kwafo monitoring his soybeans The team taking canopy photosynthesis measurements Eric Vargas keeping up with the tech Mary Durstock, Megan Allen, and Hannah Maher burying basalt baskets The team spreading basalt by hand Anthony Digrado operating the small plot harvester Mary Durstock hammering in a soil respiration collar while Cole Wherley watches on in awe Slipper the Cat checking cowpea seeds for sufficient comfortableness Megan Allen and Chris Moller burying basalt baskets Yunni Reyes-Vera taking root images Yunni Reyes-Vera and Duncan Martin tracking soybean development Noah Mitchell thinking that it might rain soon… Mike Masters planting the fields Chris Moller collecting hyperspectral reflectance data Craig Yendrek (artfully) taking leaf-level gas exchange measurements The Fieldspec Cowboys Drone selfie!